Penumbra Online

Abbie Doll- tits feel so much like water balloons
Abbie Doll is a writer residing in Columbus, OH, with an MFA from Lindenwood University and is a fiction editor at Identity Theory. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in Door Is a Jar Magazine, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, and Ellipsis Zine, among others. Connect on Twitter or Instagram @AbbieDollWrites.
A G Parker- Dykes on Bike and Whitney & Cher
George Violet Parker is a writer, performer, facilitator, and Disabled and Queer Artist of the Year 2022. They co-founded Queer Stage Revolution, host Cabinet of Curiosities podcast, and co-host Rebel Riot Poetry. Their performance history includes The V&A Performance Festival, Edinburgh Fringe, Manchester Pride, Pride in London, Fashion Week, and IDAHOBIT. They were a featured artist at 16 Days of Activism…, and a H&T slam winner. Their work appears in Mslexia, The F-Word, Financial Times, Arachne Press, The Feminist Library, Sufi Journal, and more. Their novel was published by Reconnecting Rainbows Press. They’ve secured Arts Council-funding for their second novel.
Alexandra Weiss- Dirk Hardbody, Drag Lumberjack
Alexandra Weiss is a graduate student and plant enthusiast. Sasha edits for Another Chicago Magazine, makes indie games as Cerberus Studios, and has written a chapbook, autumn is when the ghosts come out (Blanket Sea Press, 2022).
Ash Taylor- My Skin's Reflection
Ash is a professional technical writer by day and creative writer by night. Following their creative endeavors, they are editing their debut novel, This Side of the Veil, while also pursuing publishing opportunities across various journals to keep their skills sharp. You can find them on Twitter at @AshTaylorWriter
Ashley Varela- Ode to a body sometimes called mine
Ashley Varela (they/them) is a queer writer & author based in Seattle, Washington.Here is my social media handle: @ashleyvarela_ on Twitter.
Bash Ortega- Choosing Love
Bash Ortega is a writer and artist based out of Brooklyn New York. They have a degree in gender studies with minors in both biology and studio art. They are proficient in many different art mediums and techniques, but are particularly interested in intaglio printmaking, stencils, and pointillism. In terms of writing, Bash is an established music and horror reviewer, and you can find their published work at Horror Press and Quip Mag! If you want to reach out, contact them at
BEE LB- fear chased me home
BEE LB is an array of letters, bound to impulse; a writer creating delicate connections. they have called any number of places home; currently, a single yellow wall in Michigan. they have been published in FOLIO, Roanoke Review, Figure 1, and The Offing, among others. they are a poetry reader for Capsule Stories. their portfolio can be found at and their workshops can be found at
Carson Wolfe (they/them) is a Mancunian poet. They are New Writing North’s 2023 Debut Poetry Winner and have previously won awards from The Aurora Poetry Prize and the Button Video Contest. Their debut poetry pamphlet Boy(ish)Vest (2022) was praised by Dr Kim Moore as an ‘unforgettable, wild, risk-taking roller-coaster of a book’. Their work has appeared in Rattle, Fourteen Poems, Poetry by Chance (Button, 2023), and The Penn Review. Carson lives in Manchester with their wife and three children. You can find them at
Elisabeth Flett- how to fix a girl
Elisabeth Flett is an award-winning writer, theatre-maker, musician and
general feminist trouble maker.
A regular performer at Speakin Weird and a competitor in the 2023 Loud
Poets Slam (North East Heat), Elisabeth won University of Aberdeen’s
Literary Lights Non-Fiction Prize in 2021 and the July 2023 City of Poets
Tiny Prize.
Her writing has been longlisted by Northern Gravy Literary Periodical and
published by Hysteria, Coin-Operated Press, Leopard Arts, Bits and Pieces,
Queer Out Here, Apricot Press and Out on the Page.
Elisabeth is passionate about mental health awareness, LGBTQ+ rights and
gender equality, themes which often feature in all forms of her work as a
creative practitioner.
Elisabeth (Essa) Flett (she/her)
“*Elisabeth Flett is a master-fiddler*” - The Play’s the Thing UK
"*Flett seems to be able to play all of the instruments ever.*” -Lost in
Theatre Land
Keep up to date with Elisabeth's news on Twitter
E.M. Lark- the furies (or: for the teenage girl I left, behind but stayed right next to me)
E.M. Lark (they/them) is a writer & theatre artist from southern California, who's trying to get back into this whole thing. Works can be found in: just femme & dandy, The Lumiere Review, Penumbra Online, corporeal, and Londemere Lit, among others past and future. Find them on most socials @thelarkcalls.
Finn Brown- It always feels worse in the summertime
Finn Brown is a queer writer and maker, whose short stories Heat, The Girl Who’s Scared of Water and Love and Oranges have been published in Transforming Being (an anthology by Bridgehouse Publishing), The Bombay Review and Queer Life, Queer Love 2 (an anthology by Muswell Press) respectively. Their poetry has been published in Texlandia Magazine, and they have performed spoken word at Hay Festival, Last Word Festival and Brainchild Festival as part of the Roundhouse Poetry Collective. They run a queer arts and lit platform t’ART.
Is Curtis- Petunia
Is Curtis (@is_curtis9) is a nonfiction MFA candidate at the University of New Hampshire, where they recently graduated with a degree in journalism. Their journalistic work has received several awards, including recognition from the New England, New Hampshire, and Maine Press Associations. They are currently working on an essay collection examining the intersections of gender, sexuality, and 2010s pop culture.
Jan Lee- Quinceañera
Jan Lee is a digital native, who first published via Telnet in the 1990s. Jan has work published in Soft Star Magazine, Maenad Review, and Whimsical Press (among others), and short stories collected in the book Route One and Other Stories, available on Amazon. Jan is Editor-in-Chief of The Apostrophe, the quarterly magazine of the Hong Kong Writers Circle.
Jordan Jones- Lavish / Your Turn
"Jordan Jones is an artist with a passion for color and the human figure. She was introduced to art at an early age while growing up in the heart of the Central Valley. Her early years as an artist were self-taught, experiencing art in an academic setting for the first time when entering into junior college. It was here that she found herself inexplicably drawn to courses offered in paint and figure study.
Jordan dabbles in a variety of mediums, never quite finding satisfaction with the idea of limiting herself to one. Her artistic arsenal includes ink pen, gouache, watercolor, and most recently oil paint. With each new project she challenges herself. She prides herself on her attention to detail and loves focusing on color and emphasizing brushstroke.
When asked what people first notice about her art, she says, “They respond a lot of different ways. Some say they notice the detail, while others notice color and form or shading and lighting.” She hopes that the takeaway from her art is an urge to look closer at what is seen as mundane in the everyday.
Currently she attends California State University Stanislaus in Turlock and teaches at the Chartreuse Muse in Downtown Modesto."
Keira DiGaetano- wolf island sweet
Keira DiGaetano (they/she) is a multimedia artist who writes about the quirky, girlish, and grotesque. She is a recent graduate of Vassar College and an amateur harpist. Their work, poetry and otherwise, can be found at and has been published in pearl press and the Vassar Student Review.
Instagram: @keira.dig
Twitter: @keirdig
Lachlan Chu- In the womb, before birth
Lachlan Chu is a writer from California whose work has been recognized by Narrative Magazine, the Bay Area Creative Foundation, the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, and elsewhere. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Harvard Advocate and Eunoia Review, among many others. He serves as the editor-in-chief for The Acedian Review and was born on 06/06/2006.
Lori D'Angelo- What Is A Woman
Lori D'Angelo (she/her) is a grant recipient from the Elizabeth George Foundation and an alumna of the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley. Recent work has recently appeared in Beaver Magazine, Bullshit Lit, Idle Ink, JAKE, One Art Poetry Journal, and Wrong Turn Lit. Find her on Twitter @sclly21 or Instagram and Threads at lori.dangelo1.
Mateo Perez Lara- Proxy::Desire An essay on gender
Mateo Perez Lara is a queer, non-binary, Latine poet from Bakersfield, California. They received their M.F.A. in Poetry from Randolph College’s Creative Writing Program. They are an editor for Block Chronicles. They have a chapbook, Glitter Gods, published with Thirty West Publishing House. Their poems have been published in EOAGH, The Maine Review, PANK, and elsewhere
Mikey May- The Cross-Dresser Speaks
Mikey May (he/fae/xe) is a queer trans man based in Birmingham, UK. A teacher, poet, and linguist, his work across all disciplines focuses on trans liveabilities, institutional violences, and queer resistances. Fae self-publishes solo and collaborative poetry zines about language, sex, and Taylor Swift at Xyr first chapbook, would you like to hold?, is forthcoming with Full House. Find out more at
nat raum- gender euphoria as personal hyrule After Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
nat raum (b. 1996) is a disabled artist, writer, and genderless disaster from Baltimore, MD. They’re the editor-in-chief of fifth wheel press and the author of the abyss is staring back, you stupid slut, and several chapbooks and photography publications. Past publishers of their writing include Delicate Friend, Corporeal Lit, and ANMLY. Find them online:
Taylor McKay Hathorn- Pretty Privilege
Taylor McKay Hathorn is a Mississippian by birth and a Jacksonian by choice, and you can read more of her work online at